Fantastic cover.
Fantastic cover.
Glad you enjoyed it! This is ridiculously old now though, my new stuff is on Bandcamp:
I don't have much feedback other than "wow, this was awesome." I hear the Periphery elements, and solos remind me a bit of bands like Scale the Summit. Well done, I look forward to hearing more from you.
Thanks I'm glad you liked it :D
It's s shame you didn't get any reviews when you uploaded this track. I really liked what you did with the synths. The guitar solos were pretty awesome, but could have been maybe a tad higher in the mix in parts. Otherwise, I really like what you did here. PS - I'm working on a Heavy Metal radio for NG, that's how I discovered this track. I hope that when it's released other people will be able to discover great tracks like this one that didn't get as many listens as they should have.
I think that's a great idea, there's a lot of good musicians on NG that deserve more listens. This song was actually my first attempt at ever using synths, I really forgot about it to be honest since I didn't get to much feedback. Thanks for the listen!
Wow, this is great. I've been working on a heavy metal radio station for NG lately, and just discovered you about five minutes ago when "Songintheworks-Metaljonus" played. Great stuff man. I'm glad you are still posting to the site.
Thanks dude! Man...I don't remember writing that idea hahaha! I have a bunch of newer stuff you may dig. Look around and check it out! :D
The problem was that the file didn't exist on the filesystem. I re-uploaded the file again and now it's all happy. If this happens again just try re-uploading. Shoot us an email if you have problems. Great song too BTW.
Oh! I see you fixed it for me, thanks, man! I meant to get it done way earlier, but I was being lazy lol, appreciate it man, will do, glad you like the track!
Meat Popsicle
DevOps Engineer
Joined on 9/8/06